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교재 :On Becoming a Person(by Carl, Rogers)+심리학 관련 단어 용어 정리+문법정리



강사 : 함우정

- 평택대학교 상담학과 박사과정
- 상담이론 영어원서 번역 총 30권에 참여
- 목동/대치동 초중고 영어내신 지도경력 16
- 전 목동 특목고 전문 입시학원 강사
- TTL 국제영어대학원대학교 수능지도 전문가 자격
- 상명대학교 사회복지학과 석사, 사회복지상담심리사, 가족상담전문가 1(한국가족상담협회), NLP Practitioner, 미술치료사2급




개강 : 10월 15일 (월) 10:30~12:30

강의 일정 및 수강료 :

1부 12주 - 20만원

2부 12주 - 20만원

1+2부 동시 접수시 37만원

외환은행 620 - 185743 - 441 최진숙




강의 목차


Chapter 1. "This is me" - 1

Chapter 1. "This is me" - 2

Chapter 2. Some Hypotheses Regarding the Facilitation of Personal Growth

Chapter 3. The Characteristics of a Helping Relationship

Chapter 4. What We Know About Psychotherapy - Objectively and Subjectively

Chapter 5. Some of the Directions Evident in Therapy - 1

Chapter 5. Some of the Directions Evident in Therapy - 2

Chapter 6. What It Means to Become a Person

Chapter 7. A Process Conception of Psychotherapy

Chapter 7. A Process Conception of Psychotherapy

Chapter 8. "To Be That Self Which One Truly is": A Therapist"s View of Personal Goals

Chapter 9. A Therapist"s View of the Good Life : The Fully Functioning Person


Chapter 10. Persons or Science? A Philosophical Question

Chapter 11. Personality Change in Psychotherapy

Chapter 12. Client-Centered Therapy in its Context of Research -1

Chapter 12. Client-Centered Therapy in its Context of Research -2

Chapter 13. Personal Thoughts on Teaching and Learning

Chapter 14. Significant Learning : In Therapy and in Education

Chapter 15. Student-Centered Teaching as Experienced by a Participant

Chapter 16. The Implications of Client-Centered Therapy for Family Life

Chapter 17. Dealing with Breakdowns in Communication - Interpersonal and Intergroup

Chapter 18. A Tentative Formulation of a General Law of Interpersonal Relationships

Chapter 19. Toward a Theory of Creativity

Chapter 20. The Growing Power of the Behavioral Sciences

Chapter 21. The Place of the Individual in the New World of the Behavioral Sciences